With Valentines Day only round the corner, why not treat your partner to a bouquet of flowers or roses. Our in- house florists are ready and waiting to take your order. Why not take full advantage of our free delivery service within West Sussex or if local you can... read more »
We have some lovely sprout flower stalks now available and are only grown a few miles away. Why not try something new today.read more »
Burns night is soon round the corner (25th January) We will have a fresh selection of local potatoes, swedes, turnips and leeks. Why not try making vegetarian haggis : - http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1877633/vegetarian-haggisread more »
The best orange for making marmalade has now arrived for the start of 2017. Blood oranges are now also available with better taste and colouring as the season goes on.read more »
With a few more days to go, we have just received some beautiful local grown mistletoe. Quality and appearance is outstanding, why not put a grand finishing touch to your Christmas decorations.read more »
Friday 23 December - Open until 5 p.m. Saturday 24 December -Open until 3 p.m. Sunday 25 December - Closed Monday 26 December - Closed Tuesday 27 December - Closed Wednesday 28 December - Open until 1pm Thursday 29 December - Open until 5 p.m. Friday 30 December -... read more »
We have the following nuts available and in stock: - Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Pecans, Peanuts, Walnuts, Mixed Nuts, Brazil Nuts, Chocolate raisins, Chocolate Peanuts. read more »
Our beautiful Christmas trees have finally arrived. Grown in Basingstoke these non drop trees are definitely not worth a miss.read more »
Coal, smokeless coal, logs and kindling are all readily available and are in stock. Stock up now and keep yourself warm!read more »
Our beautiful, colourful and competitive Christmas wreaths are now in stock and are available. With Christmas trees arriving shortly - why not have a head start with your decorations? read more »