Local Produce for the festivities *24/11/22*

As we roll through to the Christmas and winter period, we are delighted to announce that we have a superb range of local produce available to suite your needs, regardless if you are a wholesale or retail customer. Please find below our local produce list, of which will be available for the coming months: -
Sprouts, Beetroot (all varieties), Kale, Black Cabbage, Savoy Cabbage, January King Cabbage, Primo Cabbage, White cabbage, Red Cabbage, Cabbage hearts, sprout stalks, sprout tops, Micro Cresses, Bunch orange and bunch hertiage carrots.
Please ring us with your requirements today on 01243 672121 / 672722 or e-mail info@munneries.co.uk
Remember, delivery is free and there is no minimum order.